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Why read 1,000 Books?

A parent is a child’s first teacher and as such, parents can help children acquire pre-literacy skills before they enter kindergarten.  The most effective way to get your child ready to learn is to read to them. 

Why is it important to read to your child?

Research suggests that reading to your child is the best way to help your child get ready to read.  When you read to your child, you are helping them to increase vocabulary and knowledge. Children who are read to will develop early literacy skills that will help them become better readers once they begin school.  Children who start kindergarten ready to read have an advantage and will have greater success in their school years.

How does it work?

Register by creating a Readsquared account.

Any child under five (not yet enrolled in Kindergarten) can participate in this program.

Once you have registered, stop by the Kidspace desk to receive a free book of your choice.

You can track your reading through the Readsquared account or on the reading logs. Reading logs are available on our webpage and at the Kidspace desk.

Each time you complete 100 books, bring your completed log to Kidspace. Or confirm progress from the Readsquared app. For every 100 books you collect a brag tag.

Once you reach 500 books you will get a magnet. Once you complete 1,000 books you will receive a bumper sticker and a certificate of completion.

How long does it take to reach 1,000 books?

• 1 book per day x 3 years = 1,095 books
• 10 books per week x 2 years = 1,040 books
• 3 books per day x 1 year = 1,095 books

Log all the books you read, even if you read the same book again and again.

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